Ԥ Stringent Tests before the Delivery of Products Ԭ
Modern Laboratories and Facilities
Micomtek presently possesses a computerized Sonic Nozzle, a fully automatic Fluid Flow Test Laboratory. Granted an ISO 9001 and TAF qualification certificates, Micomtek has demonstrated in the past 30 years that all gas meters manufactured have been under extremely strict quality control and passed an 100% acceptance requirement test at a modern fluid flow test laboratory, determined to provide customers with high-quality post-sale services and upgraded professional image through continued innovative efforts on research and development.
‘΄ Devices of Air-Tightness and Leaks Tests, and a State-of-the-Art Gas Meter ManufacturingPlant EPC-Micomtek is in full compliance with the following internationally certified requirements:
‘΄ ISO9001 Standard Operation Procedures
‘΄ ISO17025 Test Laboratory
‘΄ ISO 10012 Quality Control on Measurement Equipment
‘΄ 100% Automatic Air-Tightness Test
‘΄ 100% Automatic Out-of-the-Plant 3-Point Flow Test
Exterior Leaks Test on the Automatic Machine |
Interior Leaks Test on the Automatic Sonic Nozzle Test Facility |
Fluid Flow Test Laboratory |
‘΄ Environmentally Simulated Measurement, Testing and Packaging
Indoor Long-Time Test |
Outdoor Long-Time Test |
Constant-Temperature Test |
Spray-Water Test |
‘΄ Stable and Reliable Supply of Material/Parts and Products
‘΄ The 17,000sq. meter-manufacturing plant on a wide spread area.
‘΄ Monthly output: 60,000 gas meters.
‘΄ Presently 2 production lines and 1 maintenance line |
Warehouse for materials |
Delivery of products |